Pond.fysh.org: Difference between revisions

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(Initial page, copied from bowl.fysh.org and updated)
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Revision as of 19:25, 15 March 2008

NB: All the information provided here-in about the fysh.org services is made available on a best-effort basis. If you're in in doubt as to if the information provided here is up to date please check the 'last modified' entry at the bottom of, or the History link at the top of, the page.

The Fysh Server Called Pond

pond.fysh.org is currently a V-Colo rented from and hosted by PANIX. This is paid for via subscriptions charged to the principal users of the machine. Any queries about payments, or obtaining an account, should be directed to Mike Ashton.

The machine generally runs the current Stable version of the Debian distribution of Linux. The majority of the software installed on it is that which is directly supported by Debian, as this makes day-to-day administration and keeping things up to date very easy. We will, however, install software by hand if sufficient need is demonstrated. Our aim is to offer a stable service first and foremost, so don't necessarily expect cutting-edge versions of software.

Between pond.fysh.org and fyn.fysh.org we provide a wide range of services, ranging from email and web pages, through hosting of domains to the more esoteric such as TeamSpeak servers.

If you have a problem with, or a query about, any of the services on fysh.org, or would like to request an additional service, please send email to The Fyshy Admin.

Current Supported Services:

Note that the following services are now on separate machines:


Initially fysh.org was intended to be primarily for the benefit of certain graduates from The University of Warwick's Department of Computer Science who were just some of the self-proclaimed Fysh. Indeed it was initially hosted, as the server crucigera.fysh.org, in the office of a friendly member of Warwick DCS staff. Since then it's been hosted for free on various DSL lines (even before those were offered publically in the UK) and at the premises of a few companies with which one of the Fyshy Admin had associations at the time before finally settling down as a paid-for dedicated server rented from UK2.net.

bowl.fysh.org took over from crucigera.fysh.org in June 2001 after repeated hardware problems with the latter. The main server kept that name through another hardware change or two, including the move to the current rented machine from UK2.net (where the hard disks have had to be moved to fresh hardware at least once).

In November 2007 we suffered a successful hack attack against bowl, and as a result started running services in VMware instances. We renamed the machine itself to tank.fysh.org and brought up an initial four VMware instances: bowl.fysh.org, www.fysh.org, dns.fysh.org and surfers.fysh.org. This rapidly proved to be too much for the hardware to cope with. We put Surfers back on bowl.fysh.org along with DNS (now chrooted) so as to run only two VMware instances. However this was still too much for the machine to cope with and things were further exacerbated when tank.fysh.org developed new hardware problems. This gave us the final push to move to PANIX.

So, starting from 13th March 2008 we've been using two Virtual Co-locations with PANIX. The first of these is pond.fysh.org which runs the majority of services. The second is fyn.fysh.org which handles Web Services.